We started the day off by visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum. Inside the museum was a special exhibit on Kylie Minogue, a very popular musical star. The exhibit had an in depth timeline of her musical career. It displayed all her albums and singles with release dates and statistics of them on the charts, which was great for me because I was not very educated on her career beforehand. The main section of the exhibit was dedicated to Kylie’s clothing. Kylie previously wore the pieces chosen for the exhibit during her concerts or at events and award shows. A unique part of the exhibit was a mock dressing room. It had everything from clothing, shoes and jewelry to makeup scattered around the room as to depict Kylie’s actual backstage dressing room.

Tuesday evening we had an appointment at the Zandra Rhodes workshop. She is known as one of the most creative and influential print designers in the world. Ben, the head designer, led our appointment. He began by showing us fabrics from which Zandra had designed the print. With each print we received insight as to what inspired Zandra to design each specific print. Most all of her inspiration came from traveling, so each print had a theme of location. She displayed this through the design and colors used.

Ben then showed us finished garments that he had designed using the previously seen prints. He shared with us his knowledge of how to drape the fabric while designing the garments, as so that the print will line up correctly when constructed. It was an honorable experience to have a professional designer speak with us about his process of work. I once again gained a lot of knowledge from this appointment, since being a marketing student I am not always around and hands-on with the design of garments. It was also very generous of him to let us try on the garments; I know we all loved that!

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